Brother TZe 6mm P-touch Genuine Laminated Label Tapes 原廠標籤帶(已過膠)

Brother TZe 6mm P-touch Genuine Laminated Label Tapes 原廠標籤帶(已過膠)

Brother TZe 6mm 原廠標籤帶(已過膠)
Genuine P-touch Laminated Label Tapes

Brothers patented P-touch TZe laminated tapes

已過膠標籤帶幾乎可以貼在任何的平面上,其質地十分耐用,可防刮花、抗磨損。它同時具防水特性,所以適合在室內及室外使用。不論是水、油,以至化學品倒在其上,均無損其表面,甚至在強紫外光的照射下,也不會令其字樣磨蝕。此外,它更能抵禦由冰箱至微波爐的極端氣溫。Brother TZ label tapes - Tested to the Extreme

Brother TZe labels print on the underside of the laminate, sandwiching text between two layers of film, making the characters virtually indestructible. Brother TZe Laminate tapes can stick on virtually any surface and is durable enough to withstand scrapes and abrasions. Because it is water-resistant, it can be used outdoors, as well as indoors. It shrugs off spills of any kind, from water to oil to chemicals, and it won't fade under harsh UV rays. It also stays on in hot and cold environments from freezers to microwaves.


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TZe211 (6mm x 8M) 白底黑字 Black on WhiteTZe-211
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